5 Food Trends to look out for in 2018

1. Plant-based diets
Many see eating too much meat as a major driver of climate change, and young people – particularly city-dwellers - are reducing the amount they eat or are cutting it out in favour of plant-based cheeses, meat substitutes and milks which are becoming far more accessible. Also, let’s not forget to mention tasty, nutritious grains and pulses such as barley, quinoa and our famous Pearled Spelt, which are set to be flying off the shelves as the demand for alternative sources of protein soars. 

2. Flexitarianism
Giving up meat entirely can seem like an impossible task when it’s such a regular part of your diet but don’t fret, there’s a popular middle ground you can adopt - 91% of Britons are implementing a flexitarian approach - a plant-based diet with the occasional addition of meat. Consumers are seeing meat substitutes evolve from alternative protein ingredients such as eggs, peas, nuts and ancient grains like spelt.

3. Fermented food
Fermented food will continue to be an on-going trend amongst foodies in 2018, as consumers become increasingly aware of the benefits of gut-friendly foods. Sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir, to name a few, all provide bacteria known as probiotics or ‘good’ bacteria which are thought to help a host of health issues, in particular digestive health. Our spelt sourdough recipe makes for an easy introduction to fermented food. You don’t even have to start from scratch - buy your own sourdough starter here.

4. Transparency
Many of us struggle to truly trust the labels on packaging and nowadays savvy-shoppers are demanding companies become more transparent about where their food comes from. We are accredited by Organic Farmers & Growers and have recently gained vegan certification. Here in Somerset our spelt fields have 4 metre margins and the hedgerows are only cut every other year to allow wildlife such as hare, lapwing, dormice and bees to shelter and forage for food all year round. You can buy our products with the knowledge that they are all from a responsibly farmed environment.

5. Local
These days us Brits are seeking ingredients that are grown within walking distance of where we live. There is a growing trend driven by the previous foraging craze in which shoppers venture to hedgerows and woods, rather than their supermarket, to find wild food for free.  Provenance continues to remain crucial – knowing where your food comes from, and feeling safe in the knowledge that it hasn’t travelled thousands of miles to get to you makes all the difference

2nd January 2018