
  • 500g/ 1lb 2oz/ 5 cups spelt porridge flakes 
  • 200g/ 7oz unsalted nuts of your choice, such as almonds, walnuts, cashews
  • 200g/ 7oz/ 1 2/3 cups dried fruit, such as sour cherries, raisins, apricots, pitted dates, mango, pineapple, apple
  • 100g/ 3½oz/ heaped ¾ cup pumpkin seeds
  • 100g/ 3 ½oz/ 2/3 cup linseeds
  • 100g/ 3½oz/ 1 cup coconut flakes or shavings (optional)
  • Spices and flavourings of your choice (optional)
  • Organic Naked Oat & Spelt drink, to serve


Simply mix all the ingredients together in a large, airtight container, pop the lid on and shake the muesli around so that you distribute the ingredients evenly.
Serve with milk of your choice.

Don't forget to get your spelt ingredients:

14th March 2019

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